Let's not undo the technology connection gains across aged care
A recent Hellocare article, “Should video calls remain in aged care when lockdowns are over?” made us stop and think. In the general community we haven’t removed video calls, so why should we remove video calls from the lives of aged care residents?
Aged care residents and even some older people living at home are more likely to be impacted by distance and mobility from seeing people they love and care about.
The article made us think about how the last three years have accelerated digital adoption, but also supported some incredible wellbeing and social connection gains. We have an opportunity to maintain this momentum and not simply go back to what it all used to be.
We believe that the question should be reframed to “How will video calls, and digital connection for that matter, remain for aged care residents?”
When we posed this to our network, some of the reactions included:
The connection made by seeing each other is irreplaceable.
Digital connection needs to be a part of the connection strategy to expand on the in person opportunities.
So why does this matter?
As a sector there was a necessity that was forced….but keep going. As much as we need to return to some things - including the need for in person activity and more accessible resources, we need to continue the technology transformation that many care providers have embarked on - whether by choice or necessity.
As uncomfortable as the last several years have been - lets not undo the positive gains related to technology access and digital confidence for the people we care for and the people that care for them. There is still a long way to go.
So when the question is posed ”Should video calls remain in aged care when lockdowns are over?” Quite simply our view is Yes.
Each of you reading has the potential to support this in your personal networks or through your professional roles.
If you are a family member or friend of someone in residential care, continue to use and ask for video calling access.
If you run or work at a care provider, continue to advocate the digital access you need so that you can focus on the care of your clients.
YourLink works closely with residential aged care providers and lifestyle teams to lift their activities and wellbeing programs using digital programs.
Contact Richard Scenna, Director by email richard@yourlink.com.au or phone 0408 742 743.
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